18. Project Technical Equipment and Outcomes

Things I'll need basically

Arduino IDE 
- to edit and load code onto the Arduino Uno
Adobe Photoshop
- Creating assets
Adobe Illustrator 
- Creating assets (will probably use this more)
- Making the interface
Adobe Audition
- editing audio files
FL studio 
- creating audio loops

Arduino Uno
- it's the brain!
Easy MP3 Shield
- helps play the required audio files
- connections 
- or rather, whatever sensors I end up using
- powers the screen/interface
- the screen, for people to see things
Power tools 
- cut cut drill drill sand sand
Sculpting equipment 
- to make the sculpted heart

Project Outcomes
This artefact will be a physical installation. The torso of a mannequin will be suspended from the ceiling, with its electronic guts hanging out and holding a heart in its hands. The heart will be the controller of the installation, and the main thing that users interact with. The heart will be linked up to an Arduino Uno, which is connected to a PC. The PC is connected to a screen which helps guide the user to interact with the heart. The Uno receives the input from the user, and sends on the information to the PC to relay which graphics to show. The screen allows users to have visual feedback for their actions, alongside the audio feedback that is played from a headset (for the user) as well as speakers (for anyone else watching). The screen also serves to help users save and send the “memory mix” they just made. The installation experience should last between 2-5 minutes per user. 


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