21. Video Documentation of Working Prototype

The working prototype is basically a combination of the two Arduino technical tutorials, to show the basic function of my final artefact. I couldn't use the red pressy button in the video because the pins don't fit on a breadboard and I don't have access to a soldering iron. It does work when I press the correct pins and then smoosh the button onto the table, but it leaves me without a free hand to take a video.

The video basically shows that I can use different inputs to play different tracks. The final types of input I use might be different - either all touch sensors, or I'll see what kinds of controllers I can find which can match up with the artefact. I might also use conductive paint or foil strips, depending on cost and accessibility.

#include <CytronEZMP3.h>

CytronEZMP3 mp3;

int touch = 5;               
int buttonPin = 6;
int ledPin = 4;

void setup(){
  if(!mp3.begin(2, 3))
    Serial.println("Init failed");
  Serial.print("Device: ");

  Serial.print("Total files: ");

  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);   
  pinMode(touch, INPUT);     
  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);

void loop(){
   if(digitalRead(touch)==HIGH) {   
        digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
        Serial.println("1 boop");
        digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); 
  if (digitalRead(buttonPin) == HIGH) {
        digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
        Serial.println("2 boops");
  } else {
         digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);



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